Your Yard Matters

3/8/2025 at 10:00 AM to 2:00 PM

Event Description

A How-To Workshop for Native Gardening & Wildlife

Admission $10.00 in advance

Breakfast, lunch and more provided with admission.

Event tickets available at EventBrite

Our North American songbirds are disappearing at an alarming rate - almost 3 billion birds in the last 50 years. Much of this decline is due to habitat loss. At Audubon, we feel a sense of urgency to do what we can to turn this around so we're hosting a first-ever workshop about why and how to replace habitat right in your own yard. Be sure to take advantage of this unique opportunity to learn from native-gardening-for-wildlife experts because Your Yard Matters!

Why Plant Florida Natives - the urgent need for biodiversity - Cynthia Bennington, PhD, Plant Ecology, Stetson University

From the Ground Up- Planning and Prepping Your Garden -Dee Hackett, certified Florida Master Gardener, member of Florida Native Plant Society - Pawpaw Chapter and Halifax River Audubon 

Setting the Table- Right Plant, Right Place – Katie Tripp, PhD, owner Natural Beauty Native Florida Landscapes, LLC.

Maintaining Your Habitat - Leslie Nixon, certified Florida Master Gardener, member of Florida Native Plant Society - Pawpaw Chapter and Halifax River Audubon.

A native garden tour and plant sale will follow.

Anderson-Price Memorial Building
42 North Beach Street
Ormond Beach FL 32174
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