Halifax River Audubon
Halifax River Audubon A Florida Chapter of the National Audubon Society
Serving The Greater Daytona Beach Area

Audubon Assembly 2024


Welcome to Daytona Beach

Welcome to the "World's Most Famous Beach". We hope you spend a little time on either side of the official proceedings to explore our side of Volusia County.  We have a list of our favorite local spots for independent rambles (click on title below). You are welcome to join our local chapter outings during your stay. Please contact us for any questions that you may have about the  area at forbirds@halifaxriveras.org.

Greater Daytona Bird Watching Guide

One event we hope you add to your schedule is: MOAS

Audubon's Birds of Florida

An extraordinary exhibit that will open September 21, 2024 and continue through March 2, 2025 at the Cici and Hyatt Brown Museum of Art at the Museum of Arts and Sciences (MOAS) in Daytona Beach. This is a highly anticipated event that will bring the focus on the birds of Florida that Audubon depicted in his epic work. MOAS has some terrific programming scheduled throughout the exhibit run.  HRA is honored to participate, serving as speakers and workshop facilitators. Stay tuned for details and check the MOAS website. Click on the Flamingo.

Cici and Hyatt Brown Museum of Art

352 S Nova Road

Daytona Beach , FL


Courtesy of the John James Audubon Center at Mill Grove,

Montgomery County Audubon Collection, and Zebra Publishing


An evening walk on the beach will be appealing during your stay. One of our favorite places on the list is Frank Rendon Park, a couple of miles south of your hotel on the beach. It is a little early in the season, but winter brings tens of thousands of gulls to our beach. They tend to loaf in the area of this park each afternoon after spending a day at the landfill before flying off shore to spend the night. Jaegers often harass them in the breakers. It can be quite a spectacle. This stretch of the beach running south to the jetty at Ponce Inlet is a quiet area that includes an extensive stretch of beach closed to driving and friendly to birds. 
